代写COMP318 Ontologies and Semantic Web SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2021/22代写R语言

2024-05-23 代写COMP318 Ontologies and Semantic Web SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS 2021/22代写R语言



Ontologies and Semantic Web


Answer all FIVE questions from this section. Section A is worth 50 marks.

1.   (a) Ontology evaluation is the process of assessing the quality of an ontology.  Describe the two activities that are performed when evaluating an ontology.              (5 marks)

(b) Discuss the benefits of having a formal ontology language when evaluating the quality of an ontology, especially with respect to the two activities above.               (5 marks) (10 marks total)

2.   (a) Explain what inference rules are and how they are used in the context of reasoning with RDF(S) (5 marks).

(b) Explain what SE1 and SE2 are, and provide their syntax (5 marks) . (10 marks total)

3. Consider the ontology expressed in Manchester syntax presented below:

Prefix: <http://www.semanticweb.org/valli/ontologies/2021/3/MusicBeatles.owl#> Prefix: owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> Prefix: rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> Prefix: rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> Prefix: xml: <http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace> Prefix: xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> Ontology: <http://www.semanticweb.org/valli/ontologies/2021/3/MusicBeatles.owl> ObjectProperty: hasMember InverseOf: isMemberOf ObjectProperty: hasTrack Domain: Album Range: Song ObjectProperty: hasWriter Domain: Song Range: Artist ObjectProperty: isMemberOf InverseOf: hasMember ObjectProperty: plays Domain: Artist Range: Instrument ObjectProperty: recordedBy Domain: (Album or Song) Range: Musician InverseOf: records ObjectProperty: records InverseOf: recordedBy DataProperty: hasLength Domain: Song Range: xsd:string Class: Instrument Class: Musician Class: Album SubClassOf: hasTrack min 1 Song Class: Artist SubClassOf: Musician and ((isMemberOf some Group) or (records some Song)), plays some Instrument Class: FamousGroup SubClassOf: Group, hasMember only SoloArtist PAPER CODE COMP318 page 2 of 7 ContinuedClass: Group SubClassOf: Musician and (hasMember min 2 owl:Thing) Class: SoloArtist SubClassOf: Artist and (records some Song) Class: Song SubClassOf: hasWriter some Artist Individual: TheBeatles Types: Group Individual: PaulMcCartney Types: SoloArtist Individual: JohnLennon Types: SoloArtist Individual: GeorgeHarrison Types: SoloArtist Individual: RingoStarr Types: SoloArtist Individual: LoveMeDo Types: Song Facts: hasWriter JohnLennon, hasWriter PaulMcCartney, hasLength "1:25" Individual: PleasePleaseMe Types: Album DifferentIndividuals: GeorgeHarrison, JohnLennon, LoveMeDo, PaulMcCartney, RingoStarr, TheBeatles

(a) Provide the denition of the following restrictions in OWL:

a.  Universal restrictions, (3 marks)

b.  Existential restriction. (3 marks)

(b) Identify in the ontology above an example of:

a.  Universal restriction, (2 marks)

b.  Cardinality restriction. (2 marks) (10 marks total)

4. In ontology alignment a correspondence creates a relation between different entities in an ontology (classes, properties, or individuals).  Describe the types of correspondence relations that can exist between classes belonging to different ontologies to be matched, and provide an example for each of these relations.                 (10 marks)

5. a.   Describe what a Knowledge Graph (KG) is, provide its formal definition and include at least one of its characteristics.     (5 marks)

b.   KGs are often modelled as linked data (e.g. DBpedia). Describe the 5 principles for publishing data as linked data.     (5 marks)


Answer TWO questions from this section. Each question is worth 25 marks. Credit will be given for the best 2 answers only.

1.   (a) An ontology alignment A between a  source ontology O1  and a target ontology O2 comprises a set of tuples(e1 ; e2 ; T; w〉. Define what each of these symbols represent in the definition .       (4 marks)

(b) Explain the difference between an internal alignment and an external one.  Provide  concrete examples in your explanation.                             (6 marks)

(c) An ontology alignment system A is evaluated with respect to a set  120 of reference correspondences (gold standard),R. A generates 110 correspondences of which 45 are incorrect.  Discuss the different measures you could use to evaluate the performance  of an alignment system and explain what each tells you about the alignment. Show the formulae and calculations of these measures for the alignment system A.  (15 marks)

2. Consider the following RDF graph G, expressed in Turtle, where the triples have been numbered to improve readability.

PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX ex: PREFIX foaf: 1 ex:Vampire a rdfs:Class . 2 ex:Parent a rdfs:Class ; 3 rdfs:subClassOf ex:Vampire . 4 ex:Child a rdfs:Class ; 5 rdfs:subClassOf ex:Vampire . 6 ex:carlisle ex:hasChild ex:edward . 7 ex:hasChild a rdf:Property ; 8 rdfs:domain ex:Parent; 9 rdfs:range ex:Child ; 10 rdfs:subPropertyOf schema:relatedTo .

(a) Can you entail the statement :n  schema:relatedTo :n   . from G? If the state-  ment is entailed by G, then use the simple entailment rules (se1, se2) and the RDFS  entailment rules (rdfs1, . . . , rdfs13) to prove that your answer is correct. If the state-  ment is not entailed, then explain, informally or formally, why this is so. A summary  of the RDFS entailment rules is provided at the end of this exam paper.   (5 marks)

(b) List all the additional non-trivial triples (trivial triples are those axiomatically true,  e.g.  rdf:type  rdf:type  rdf:Property   .)  that can be inferred from G using  only the RDFS entailment rules. For each additional triple found, show the entailment procedure used to obtain it.                               (20 marks)

3. The first part of this question is about translating requirements in OWL. For this task, use the following class and property names, without namespaces:

. Classes: Company, Region, License, ActiveRegion, OperatorCompany

. Properties: operator, partner, hasLicense, startDate, endDate

Note also the following constraints:

. A “license” gives several companies the right to exploit diamond reserves in a region. These companies are known as the “partners” of the license, and one (and only one) of these partners is known as the operator”;

. “hasLicense” is the object property linking a region to a license, and “operator” and

“partner” are object properties that link the license to its operator company and partner companies;

. A license is always valid during a certain period in time. We model the startDate and endDate datatype properties to indicate the first and last day of the valid period of a license,e.g.: L30   :startDate  "2020-08-31"8sd:date   .

(a) Express each of the following statements as one or more OWL axioms (using its Turtle syntax):

1.  A company is not a region;

2.  Every partner of a license is a company;

3.  Every license has one and only one operator;

4.  The company that is the operator for a license is also a partner for that license

5.  An “active region” is defined to be a region for which there is a license that is valid during the period April to December 2020;

6.  An operator company” is a company that has a license, irrespectively of whether the license is currently valid or not.     (18 marks)

(b) Write the SPARQL queries corresponding to the following sentences:

1.  find all the start and end dates of a license;                           (3 marks)

2.  find every company with either its operator or its partner companies     (4 marks)

For your convenience here are the RDFS-entailment patterns

RDFS entailment patterns.

If S contains:

then S RDFS entails recognizing D:


any IRI aaa in D

aaa rdf:type rdfs:Datatype .


aaa rdfs:domain xxx .

yyy aaa zzz .

yyy rdf:type xxx .


aaa rdfs:range xxx .

yyy aaa zzz .

zzz rdf:type xxx .


xxx aaa yyy .

xxx rdf:type rdfs:Resource .


xxx aaa yyy .

yyy rdf:type rdfs:Resource .


xxx rdfs:subPropertyOf yyy .

yyy rdfs:subPropertyOf zzz .

xxx rdfs:subPropertyOf zzz .


xxx rdf:type rdf:Property .

xxx rdfs:subPropertyOf xxx .


aaa rdfs:subPropertyOf bbb .

xxx aaa yyy .

xxx bbb yyy .


xxx rdf:type rdfs:Class .

xxx rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Resource .


xxx rdfs:subClassOf yyy .

zzz rdf:type xxx .

zzz rdf:type yyy .


xxx rdf:type rdfs:Class .

xxx rdfs:subClassOf xxx .


xxx rdfs:subClassOf yyy .

yyy rdfs:subClassOf zzz .

xxx rdfs:subClassOf zzz .


xxx rdf:type rdfs:ContainerMembershipProperty


xxx rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:member



xxx rdf:type rdfs:Datatype .

xxx rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Literal .