代写PLAN9063 Strategic Planning and Design Assessment 3代写数据结构语言程序

2024-05-23 代写PLAN9063 Strategic Planning and Design Assessment 3代写数据结构语言程序

PLAN9063 Strategic Planning and Design

Assessment 3: Future approaches

Assessment 3

Task and marking criteria

This task is an individual task that is designed for students to reflect on the unit’s material and discussions. In no less than 500 words and no more than 1000 words, students are required to engage with one of the following proposition:

.    Strategic planning and design approaches need to be different to better support and enable sustainable outcomes for cities and regions.

A proposition is something that can be argued for or against.

Students are to address this proposition and provide evidence, including academic references (minimum of 3) (references must be available through the Library’s databases and not via a paywall or other barrier to access) and examples. Students can use examples from around the world but the reference must be accessible to the markers and in English.

Students can choose one topic of the unit that interested them (eg health, planning with First Nations’ people) community engagement, impact assessment, biodiversity, climate change). Students can also choose a topic not covered in class. However, please be careful to ensure it is something that is relevant to strategic land use and urban design.

As you address the proposition, include your own reflection. For instance, this could be done by explaining why you chose the topic. Also, ensure that you conclude with a clear opinion.

This is a challenging exercise as students are required to synthesise materials, reflect and address the proposition succinctly. Assessment 2 will help you do this work as you will be exploring plans and exemplars from other places. You must ensure that you do not self-plagiarise. In other words, you cannot take word from Assessment 2 to use them in Assessment 3.

Assessment value and submission requirements

Value:   20%

Length: 500 to 1000 words + references

Page size: A4

Font size: Heading 14pt max, content 11pt minimum, titles for figures/tables etc 10pt.

Font style. Aerial, Calibri or Times New Roman are fine.

Margins: standard for A4. I will not be measuring a margin but there needs to be a left, right, top and bottom margin.

Date due: 17 May, 11:59PM via Turnitin, PLAN9063 Canvas Site.

Marking and feedback: This assessment will be marked against the rubric which can be found on the assignment page in Canvas.