GEIG1408, Summer 2024 (July 15 - August 16)
Instructor Information
Lecturer: TBA
Email: TBA
Office hours: by appointment
This course introduces microeconomics to the student by showing how consumers and producers choose to allocate scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited wants. This course emphasizes the nature and functions of product markets, factor markets and the role of government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy. Topics include scarcity, demand and supply, equilibrium, opportunity costs, production possibility and indifference curves, specialization, comparative advantage, economic profit, the different types of market structures, and world trade and equilibrium.
Contact hours
Required Text(s):
Principles of Microeconomics, Gregory Mankiw, Cengage Learning Publishing, 7th edition. (2015).
Grading Policy
Your grade will be based on quizzes, exams, homework, and participation.
Four quizzes
Two exams
Four homework assignments
For this five-week course, there will be four Quizzes. First Quiz will be on the Day 7 including the testing of the mathematical skills required for this class. Second Quiz will be on Day 12. Third Quiz will be on Day 17. Fourth Quiz will be on Day 22. All the quizzes must be submitted online by the deadline. Each quiz, consisting of 25 questions, is worth 3 points per question for a total of 75 points per quiz. The four quizzes will be worth 300 points. Each quiz will test students on the material covered after the previous quiz or exam.
More importantly, there are 7.50bonus points per quiz for a total of 30bonus points for the four quizzes. Therefore, 30bonus points will be added as extra credit to the total quiz score of each student. In addition, there is a time limit of 90 minutes or 1hour 30 minutesto complete each quiz. Consequently, students must complete and submit each quiz within 90 minutes. Once students begin the quiz, the clock begins to tick, and students will notbe able to access the quiz after the expiration of 90 minutes.
ð Quiz 1 must be submitted online by Tuesday of Week 2 ( Day 7 of the course) by 11:59am Being Time.
ð Quiz 2 must be submitted online by Tuesday of Week 3 ( Day 12 of the course) by 11:59am Being Time.
ð Quiz 3 must be submitted online by Tuesday of Week 4 ( Day 17 of the course) by 11:59am Being Time.
ð Quiz 4 must be submitted online by Tuesday of Week 5 ( Day 22 of the course) by 11:59am Being Time.
Quizzes are worth 20% of your class grade.
For this five-week course, there will be four Homework Assignments. First Homework will be on the Eighth day of the course including the testing of the mathematical skills required for this class. Second Homework will be on Day 13. Third Homework will be on Day 18. Fourth Homework will be on Day 23. All the homework assignments must be submitted online by the deadline. Each homework, covering several chapters, is worth 150 points. Therefore, the four homework assignments will be worth 600points.
More importantly, there is a 50% extra credit built into the total score of the homework. As a result, the total score of the homework will be multiplied by 1.5 to get the final actual score of the homework. The final actual score of the homework will be cappedat 100%. For instance, given a maximum of600 points available on the homework, if someone earns a total score of 400 points on the homework, her final actual score would be the full 600 points (400 x 1.5 = 600 points or 100%); if someone earns a total score of 360 points on the homework, her actual final score would be 540points(360x1.5 = 540points or 90%); if someone earns a total score of 320points on the homework, his actual final score would be 480 points (320 x 1.5 = 480 points or 80%); if someone earns a total score of 280 points on the homework, his actual final score would be 420 points(280x1.6 = 420points or 70%); finally, if someone else earns a total score of 420points on the homework, her actual final score would be the ful600 points (420 x 1.5 = 630 points, but cappedat 600points or 100%).
ð Homework 1 must be submitted online by Wednesday of Week 2 ( Day 8 of the course) by 11:59am Being Time.
ð Homework 2 must be submitted online by Wednesday of Week 3 ( Day 13 of the course) by 11:59am Being Time.
ð Homework 3 must be submitted online by Wednesday of Week 4 ( Day 18 of the course) by 11:59am Being Time.
ð Homework 4 must be submitted online by Wednesday of Week 5 ( Day 23 of the course) by 11:59am Being Time.
Homework assignments are worth 20% of your class grade.
For this five-week course, there will be two equally weighted exams. The exams must be submitted online by the deadline. Each exam, consisting of 100 questions, is worth 3 points per question for a total of 300 points per exam. The two exams will be worth 600 points. Each exam will test students on the material covered after the previous two quizzes. Moreover, some of the questions from the quizzes will be included in the exams. In addition, the secondexam will test students on the material covered after the first exam.
More importantly, there are 20bonus points per exam for a total of 40bonus points for the two exams. Therefore, 40bonus pointswill be added as extra creditto the total score of two exams (i.e. 20bonus points per exam) for each student. In addition, there is a time limit of300 minutes or 5 hours to complete each exam. Consequently, students must complete and submit each exam within 300 minutes. Once students begin the exam, the clock begins to tick, and students will not be able to access the exam after the expiration of300 minutes.
ð Exam 1 must be submitted online by Thursday of Week 3 ( Day 14 of the course) by 11:59 am Being Time.
ð Exam 2 must be submitted online by Thursday of Week 5 ( Day 24 of the course) by 11:59 am Being Time.
Each Exam is worth 25% of your class grade for a total of 50%.
This is an online class and there is noformalclass atendance. Attendance will be measured by the student engagement and participation to the course material. Class Participation is an integral part of this course and of your education. Students must attend online the weekly review session.Students are awarded 0.4% per chapter summary up to a maximum of 8% of your class grade (i.e., 0.4 point x 20 chapters or 8 points). The chapter summaries must be posted online on the Discussion Board by the deadline and will be available to all the students. The length of each summary must be 100 – 500 words. Moreover, if the length of the chapter summary is at most 10 – 99 words, students must highlight the PowerPoint of the chapter and submit it along with their chapter summary in order to earn fulcredit. You will be expected to interact with myself and fellow classmates through the online Discussion Boardand during the weekly review session. You are welcome to ask me questions via email, but you will earn participation points only through online Discussions postings. LatesubmissionwilfollowFculatesubmission .
Moreover, you will earn 0.4 pointfor attending each weekly review session for a total of up to 2 points ofyour class grade(i.e., 0.4point x 5weekly review sessions or 2points).
More importantly, you will earn 0.125% extra credit for class participation up to 2% extra credit by posting feedback about the chapter summaries from other fellow students and/or by posting any question/response/feedback about the course materials on the Discussion Board online. In addition, multiple posts within the samediscussion thread/topic are potentially welcome, but will collectively count as only one post for 0.125% bonus point. The 2% extra credit for class participation will be added to the class grade.
ð Chapter Summary 1 must be submitted online the Tuesday of Week 2 ( Day 7 of the course)
by 11:59am Being Time.
ð Chapter Summary 2 must be submitted online the Tuesday of Week 3 ( Day 12 of the course) by 11:59am Being Time.
ð Chapter Summary 3 must be submitted online the Tuesday of Week 4 ( Day 17 of the course) by 11:59am Being Time.
ð Chapter Summary 4 must be submitted online by Tuesday of Week 5 ( Day 22 of the course) by 11:59am Being Time.
The class atendance/participation is worth 10%ofthe class grade plus up to 2%extra creditfor feedbackabout online postingsfrom other students.
Attendance/ Makeup Policy
The College recognizes the correlation between attendance and both student retention and achievement. This is an online class. More importantly, students are expected to participate in all class activities of all courses for which they are registered.
Class participation is mandatory. Poor participation, and disruptive conduct will adversely affect your grade.
You will be allowed to make up work for full credit only under extreme circumstances (such as a documented, serious health-related emergency). This make-up policy wiladhere to the FCU Late Submission Policy. Students must fill up the late petitionform and submit it by emailto boththe Teaching Assistant (TA) and the instructor at least 24 hours prior to the deadline of any assignments. I will approve them as soon as I receive them. Failure to complain with this policy will result in a 25% penalty assessed on the grade of the missed assignment. More importantly, all the missed assignments, with an assessment of a 25% penalty, must be completed by Thursday of Week 3 (i.e., for the materials included in Exam 1) or must be completed by Thursday of Week
5 ( I.e., for the materials included in Exam 2) by 11:59 am Beijing Time.
Cheating wil not be tolerated. This includes but not limited to giving or receiving aid on a quiz, project or exam and plagiarizing the work of others (including your classmates). All work you turn in must be in your own words.
Classroom Rules
Please respect the education of your fellow students. No cheating or plagiarism will be accepted. Be honest with yourself and with your fellow students. Any case of plagiarism about identical postings based on the chronological order of posting of chapter summaries by any students will automatically forfeit the entire 10%for participation and forfeit the extra credit class participation up to 2%bonus pointswith the risk of being suspendedor expeledfrom the program.
Live Sessions
Students are not required to turn on their cameras or microphones. They are not required to ask or answer any questions. Moreover, students are required to attend the orientation live session and the weekly review sessions. Failure to attend these sessions will result of the loss of ½ point per absence deducted from the 10% for participation.
Grading Scale
90- 100
Academic Honesty
Feng Chia University defines academic misconduct as any act by a student that misrepresents the student’s own academic work or that compromises the academic work of another. Scholastic misconduct includes (but is not limited to) cheating on assignments or examinations; plagiarizing, i.e., misrepresenting as one’s own work any work done by another; submitting the same paper, or a substantially similar paper, to meet the requirements of more than one course without the approval and consent of the instructors concerned; or sabotaging another’s work within these general definitions. Instructors, however, determine what constitutes academic misconduct in the courses they teach. Students found guilty of academic misconduct in any portion of the academic work face penalties that range from the lowering of their course grade to awarding a grade of E for the entire course.
Tentative Course Schedule