代写Developing Entrepreneurial Capability and Mindset BUS9710M 2023-2024代写C/C++编程

2024-05-28 代写Developing Entrepreneurial Capability and Mindset BUS9710M 2023-2024代写C/C++编程

Assessment Briefing 2023-2024

Module Code & Title: Developing Entrepreneurial Capability and Mindset BUS9710M

Contribution to Final Module Mark: 100%

Description of Assessment Task and Purpose: Reflective discussion, Business plan and reflective log

Please note that this is one portfolio consisting of two subtasks and should be submitted as one piece of work. Students are expected to revise and resubmit their previous work taking into account formative and summative feedback that has been received already.

Assessment sub-task 1

You are required to write a reflective discussion of 1,000 words, in which you critically analyse, evaluate and apply different ideas and techniques linked entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial thinking and the individual, the entrepreneurship process and entrepreneurship and society. You can share the reflective discussion in seminar sessions.

Within your reflective discussion, ensure that you show evidence that you have evaluated, assessed, and developed your understanding, skills and mindset linked to entrepreneurship, and have related these to personal development and career goals and plans. Please ensure that you have engaged with and critically analysed the literature by including citations in your reflective discussion.

- You may decide to define and discuss the concept of entrepreneurship and how the issues connected to this have influenced you as an entrepreneurial individual.

- You may decide to discuss issues such as entrepreneurial personality trait theory, or entrepreneurial opportunity creation and recognition, or the new venture creation process, and how these issues relate to you as an entrepreneurial individual.

- You may decide to discuss how you will use the entrepreneurial knowledge and skills that you have acquired whilst preparing the business plan in your future career or workplace, and how will you further develop this knowledge, and these skills?

The reflective discussion can contain reflecting on your own knowledge experience and skills linked to entrepreneurship and presenting and critically analysing the theory and literature.

Assessment sub-task 2

The second assessment task for this module is a 2,000-word business plan, and a 500-word reflective log.

This plan (2000 words) will provide

- details of the business,

- industry and market analysis,

- customer analysis and value proposition,

- an operations and management plan,

- an appreciation of the financial issues.

Please ensure that you show that you have engaged with the literature whilst developing your business plan, by including citations. You may also want to cite industry-based research and data.

In the reflective log (500 words) you will reflect on yourself as an entrepreneurial individual in relation to the learning and development that has taken place while developing the business plan for this module. You could consider the following -

· In relation to the preparation of the business plan, which areas of the business plan did you find most challenging, and which areas helped you to develop your entrepreneurial knowledge mindset and skills?

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to employ concepts and theory from the field of entrepreneurship practice, and to show that you can develop a business plan. You should add the reflective log to the end of your BUSINESS PLAN assignment.  

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1 Apply a structured approach to developing an opportunity into a business concept, taking into account the complexity, challenges and opportunities surrounding entrepreneurial activity within the enterprise start-up and development process.

LO2 Develop and apply functional approaches to the exploration, planning, development, financing and launch of an entrepreneurial project or venture, through the production of a business plan.  

LO3 Evaluate, assess, and develop their understanding, skills and mindset linked to entrepreneurship, and relate these to personal development and career goals and plans.

Knowledge & Skills Assessed:

Knowledge and Understanding: Enterprise and entrepreneurship and its various forms.

Subject Specific Intellectual Skills: Assess and solve complex and unpredictable problems and make decisions based on identifying and evaluating appropriate alternatives

Subject Specific Practical Skills: Acquire, evaluate and synthesise a range of information for diverse organisational purposes including new situations;

Transferable Skills and Attributes: Make effective decisions / conclusions through undertaking critical analysis / evaluation, plan and implement projects in an autonomous and independent manner, Communicate effectively according to different situations and in relation to various organisational constituents.

Assessment Submission Instructions:

You are required to submit your final assessment on 13 of May at 12 noon (UK time) on your assigned resit hand in date using the online assessment submission facility on the Module Blackboard site.

Date for Return of Feedback: 15 working days from the hand in date.

Format for Assessment:

The limit for this part of the portfolio is maximum 3,500 words. The word count includes everything in the main body of the text. It does not include your reference list. The word count should be clearly stated on the first page of the assignment.

In your Appendix, you are allocated 4 pages for additional tables with excessive word count.

Please follow these formatting guidelines:

Font / Size:  

Arial / 12

Spacing / Sides:

1.5 / Single Sided

Page numbers required?



At least 2.54 to left and right and text ‘justified’


Full compliance with Harvard protocols

Note usual practice is to allow +/-10%. If you submit an assignment which exceeds the prescribed word limit, marking will cease at the point at which the limit has been exceeded and the mark will be awarded based on the extent to which the criteria for assessment have been met up to that point.

Marking Criteria for Assessment:

See Appendix 3 of the module handbook

Please note that all work is assessed according to the University of Lincoln Management of Assessment Policy and that marks awarded are provisional on Examination Board decisions (which take place at the end of the Academic Year.

Feedback Format:

Tutor feedback on Turnitin. In-text and general feedback.

Assessment Support Information:

Assessment tutorial during workshop. 

Individual tutor feedback on drafts.