代写EC318: Labour Economics - Test 1 2024代写C/C++编程

2024-07-15 代写EC318: Labour Economics - Test 1 2024代写C/C++编程

Assessment criteria

EC318: Labour Economics

1.    Basic details

Assessment type

Test 1


16 February 2024



2.   Questions/required work

The testis 1-hour long. It is an MCQ test.

Answer ALL 15 multiple choice questions. Each question is worth 5 marks.

For each question, you will choose one or two from 4 possible choices. Choosing ALL correct

choices will give you 5 marks. Choosing 1 of the 2 correct choices will give you 2 marks. An incorrect choice will receive a zero mark. Entering no choice will yield a mark of zero.

3.   Assessment criteria

Your work will be assessed on the following criteria:

Subject Knowledge and Understanding

Your understanding of key theories in the analysis of  labour markets and knowledge of empirical evidence and your capacity to evaluate critically the evidence   available.

Subject Knowledge and Understanding

Your knowledge of the operation of both supply and demand in the labour market, and the limitations of  the models.

Subject Knowledge and Understanding

Your understanding of theories which seek to model,

understand and explain heterogeneity in labour market behaviour.

Subject Knowledge and Understanding

Your knowledge of research issues: Familiarity with  contemporary debates and latest research in labour economics. Understanding of how to approach an    economic problem from the perspective of a

contemporary researcher in economics.

Subject Specific and Professional Skills

Your demonstration of evaluation of economic models and policies.

Subject Specific and Professional Skills

Your demonstration of understanding of different    hypotheses and how they are tested in the relevant literature.

Cognitive Skills

Your ability to show understanding of key theories in the analysis of labour markets and knowledge of

empirical evidence and your capacity to evaluate critically the evidence available.

Cognitive Skills

Your ability to demonstrate policy evaluation and the analysis of institutions.

Key Skills

Your ability to demonstrate use of library and internet as information sources.