Assessment 2: Research Proposal 40%
This reassessment will further contribute with you being able to advance the final research project for your course.
Word limit: 1000 words (+/- 10%)
Task: This piece will provide an account of what your research project is about and how you intend to complete it. This piece cannot be used to form a direct component of your project and it cannot be a re-edit of the failed proposal, but it can be a significantly revised version of a failed early attempt at this assessment.
This Reassessment piece should highlight the salient points of the project, and therefore must include the following components:
(a) What is researched, its originality, and why is it interesting;
(b) Background/context of study and key recent trends;
(c) The core theory area and two key conceptual papers used to guide the research;
(d) Research design and justification;
(e) What can be inferred/concluded from the study.
The submission must be written in the third person, present tense, as it reflects what is being/will be completed in the project.
Referencing must be in Harvard style.