2024-11-11 代写PHI 107 - 2nd ESSAY/GRADED WRITING ASSIGNMENT Fall 2024帮做R程序


Explaining, Supporting & Defending a Theory of Mind-Body.

Write a 4-5page essay (double spaced/approx.1,200-1,500 words) in which you do:

1. FIRST - • State and explain what you think is the most plausible theory of Mind-Body - either some specific version of Mind-Body Dualism or of Mind-Body Physicalism - such as two-way interactive substance dualism, or identity physicalism.

The very first sentence of your paper should be: "In this paper I will explain and argue for ____________________________   _."   (where the name of the theory goes into the blank).

Be sure to clearly explain what that theory involves.

2.SECOND - Make the positive case for your theory.

Give multiple reasons in support of your theory, including at least one explicit positive argument in numbered premise/conclusion format.*

• Then explain the argument in your own words.

Explain why it is a good argument.

Consider and respond to any objections that might be raised against your positive argument(s) or against any of the positive reasons that you gave.

3. THIRD – Defend your theory against attacks.

• Discuss possible objections to your theory, including at least one negative argument against your theory. (i.e., an argument that tries to show your theory is wrong, not just an objection to your own positive argument).

Defend your theory against that negative argument.  Explain why you believe it does not succeed in showing your theory is wrong. (The negative argument can be in numbered premise conclusion format, but it does not have to be).

4. FOURTH – Final Closing Argument.

Sum up the case on behalf of your theory.

Review the Pros and Cons - Summarize the main points you discussed for and against.

Review why on balance, your theory is overall the best one.

*It is OK to use arguments from lecture or our textbook but do NOT just quote them or "cut and paste" them. Put them in your own words to show you understand them. You also might try to also give your own original reasons, objections or replies if any.

DUE DATE: Submit on Blackboard by Tuesday 11/19, 11:59PM.

GRADING: Essay is 20% of course grade. Essay can receive up to 40 points using GPA equivalent, i.e., A(4.0)= max 40 points, A-(3.7) = 37pts, B+(3.3) = 33pts, B(3.0) = 30pts, ... C(2.0) = 20pts, D=10pt

*ACADEMIC INTEGRITY-IMPORTANT REMINDER: Use of outside sources is not encouraged, but if so, be sure to cite and credit any sources you use whether you are using explicit quotation, paraphrase or just someone else's ideas. Use of AI to write your exam is prohibited

Citation: For lecture or textbook readings - OK to just cite in parenthesis e.g. (Lecture) or (Jackson, textbook p#). For other sources give author name date in parenthesis and complete citation at end of paper: author, title, date, journal/publisher or web address – any format OK as long as includes all info.)