代做MCD1350: Media Studies A: Australian Screen Culture Assessment 4: Textual Analysis代做Statistics统计

2024-11-13 代做MCD1350: Media Studies A: Australian Screen Culture Assessment 4: Textual Analysis代做Statistics统计

MCD1350: Media Studies A: Australian Screen Culture

Assessment 4: Textual Analysis

Status: Individual

Weighting: 20%

Word limit: 800 words (10% leeway applies)

Due date: Week 5 (submitted on Turnitin)

You will be  required to select an extract from a film or television text  (choose from the  required  or recommended viewing lists provided each week in Moodle).

You will be required to consider how the extract communicates ideas and emotions to the audience through aspects such as:

.       Characterisation of protagonists and other supporting roles

.       Narrative structure and outcome

.       Shots (framing and composition)

.       Mise-en-scene (costumes, set, lighting, performance and movement)

.       Genre (style. of story, conventions themes and motifs)

The discussion could include all or some of the above elements (at least three) and should explain how the individual components work together to create a mood, convey specific information and guide the audience in understanding the meaning of the text. A textual analysis could involve identifying the different shots employed and how they adhere to conventions or subvert the usual meaning associated with them. You can consider the kind of dialogue that is employed, the lighting or colour scheme of the set and costumes, and the appearance of a character. Your analysis could refer to the way an actor performs or the choice of using certain actors. You can comment on the way a story evolves and the outcome of the events that occur in your extract. You will make a connection between these film elements and the way the audience could be expected to interpret the information. You will also provide the context for the extract by situate it and explaining where it fits into the overall story.

Marking Guide