INFT 3019 Network Architecture 2022
Assignment 2: Wireless Implementation (25%)
Due: As Per Course Website
Individual Assignment
Submission: via the course website
The following assignment will require you to demonstrate skills you have learnt across the second half of INFT 3019 – Network Architecture.
The scenario is a follow-up to Assignment 1, in which you implemented a Network Infrastructure via the use of Inter-VLAN Routing, Static Routing, VLAN’s, and STP. This time, the technologies used are expanded upon, as DHCP, OSPF, NAT, ACL’s and Enterprise WiFi will also be explored.
You will be required to complete two deliverables and include them in your initial submission:
• Deliverable 1 - Network Implementation (Packet Tracer file)
• Deliverable 2 - Troubleshooting Report (Word Document/PDF)
Do not add these deliverables to a ZIP archive on submission. Submit them as separate files.
The assignment is worth 25% of your overall grade for this course. The following table breaks down each component of the assignment, giving it a percentage out of the 25% for this assignment.
IP Addressing/VLAN’s/Inter-VLAN Routing
The CTO of Fast Track Express, “Sammy Bee”, was happy with the results of your previous Test
Network. Based on this, Sammy wants you to update the Test Network, and implement the following technologies:
• WiFi
Sammy has updated the original topology and attempted to do some initial configurations to impress you. However, it appears as if there may be some slight configuration issues that you will have to resolve.
Deliverable 1 - Network Implementation
Below you will find some helpful steps to follow to assist you with configuring the network.
To start, download the associated Packet Tracer file available on Learnonline. This includes the devices and the layout of the network along with all connections already completed. See Appendix E for an overview of the supplied Packet Tracer file.
Step 1 - Troubleshooting/IP Addressing, VLAN, and Inter-VLAN Routing Implementation.
An attempt at the IP Addressing/Inter-VLAN Routing configuration has already been made by the client, however, it is incomplete, and incorrectly configured. It is your responsibility to resolve the issues found and report them in Deliverable 2.
You will receive marks both for implementing the IP Addressing/VLAN’s/Inter-VLAN Routing correctly,as well as for providing a Troubleshooting Report in Deliverable 2.
If you successfully complete the troubleshooting, you would in-turn receive full marks for the IP Addressing/VLAN’s/Inter-VLAN Routing portion of the grade, as resolving the faults found would result in a complete Step 1 implementation. Alternatively, it is also fine to wipe the configuration of devices and start from scratch if you are unable to resolve the faults.
In either case, the end-result should be that the network is configured as per the below:
Implementation Component
• Refer to the Appendix for the IP Addressing Scheme & VLAN/Network/Supernet Tables
o You should not use your own IP Addressing Scheme or do your own subnetting.
• Inter-VLAN Routing was intended to be configured as followed:
o Mawson Lakes: ML_D1 acts as the default gateway for all Mawson Lakes devices via SVI’s.
o CBD: ADL_D1 acts as the default gateway for all Adelaide CBD devices via SVI’s.
• VLAN’s were intended to be configured as followed:
o Each PC represents their own VLAN.
o Printers share a VLAN together.
o Servers share a VLAN together, alongside the “TERMINAL” PC.
o There isa WiFi VLAN at the Adelaide location.
• Additionally, ADL_CS1 was added as a Core Switch.
• All connections between ADL_CS1 and ADL_D1/ML_D1 should be routed links, with an IP Address on each side of the link.
o There should be no trunking between ADL_D1/ADL_CS1 and ML_D1/ADL_CS1 .
• No Static Routing is required at this stage.
o You only need to ensure Inter-VLAN Routing is working at each site, and that Layer 3 Devices can ping their “neighbours” (i.e., ADL_D1 can ping ADL_CS1, ML_D1 can ping ADL_CS1, etc.).
When attempting the troubleshooting component, it would be wise to methodically configure each PC with a Static IP Address and attempt to ping their intended Default Gateways/neighbouring PC’s.
Please refer to Deliverable 2 for more Troubleshooting Information.
Step 2 - Implement OSPF and routing.
• Configure OSPF across R1/ADL_CS1/ADL_D1/ML_D1.
o Each router should have its own unique router-id set.
o End-result should be every device between Adelaide and Mawson Lakes can ping each other.
o Passive-interfaces should be used where appropriate.
• Configure default routes as appropriate. Use default route propagation where possible.
Step 3 - Implement DHCP
This will only work correctly if Step 1 / 2 has been completed correctly. Before attempting this step, configure Static IP Addresses across both sites as a test and ensure each site can ping each other.
• Configure ADL_CS1 as the sole DHCP server across the entire topology.
o ADL_D1 and ML_D1 should not be a DHCP server, but rather relay DHCP traffic to ADL_CS1.
• Configure your DHCP pools according to the subnets defined in the IP Addressing/Network table found in the appendix.
• Configure a DHCP pool for Wi-Fi devices in Adelaide.
• Ensure to exclude the first 5 addresses of each DHCP Pool.
• Configure all end devices (excluding printers and servers) to obtain their IP addressing information through DHCP.
Step 4 - Implement NAT
• Packets destined for the ISP must be passed through NAT to avoid leaking private IP
addresses to the ISP. Use the external IP address of the network ( and implement PAT.
• Add a static NAT for the ADL-L1-04-S1 server in Adelaide using the IP address
• Ensure all traffic coming from the Internet cannot access any internal end device (only S1 in Adelaide using the external IP address above).
Step 5 - Implement Wireless Network
• Wireless should be implemented in Adelaide only. You do not need to implement Wireless in Mawson Lakes.
• A WLC has been pre-provided, with a default configuration.
o The IP Address is
o Username is “ftx”, password is “Password1”
• Set up AAA (RADIUS) on ADL-L1-04-S2 server (“Services” tab). Use a secret and add a test user to the database.
o Username should be Cisco; password should be Class.
• Use the TERMINAL browser to configure the WLC.
• Create a WPA2 Enterprise network with the SSID “ FTX Staff – Adelaide” .
• Add a LAP-PT (Lightweight Access Point) and connect it to any access switch in Adelaide. The IP address for the LAP-PT (see the “Configure” tab) should be a Static IP Address, determined by you.
o This IP Address should be in the Management network.
• Configure an AP group named “ FTX-Wireless-Mawson Lakes”, add the “ FTX Staff – Mawson Lakes” WLAN and the created AP to the group.
• Devices connected to the WLAN should be connected to the WiFi VLAN/Network.
o This would mean that traffic traversing through the AP will be across multiple different VLAN’s.
• Add a tablet/smartphone/laptop to the Adelaide location, configure the device to connect to your Wireless Network.
Deliverable 2 - Troubleshooting Report
Based on the troubleshooting done in Step 1, fill out a troubleshooting report using the following template:
Fault #
Issue found
Commands to replicate
(provide show commands)
Recommended fix
administratively down, causing the two devices to be unable to communicate
with each other
On R1:
• int <interface id>
• no shutdown
On R1:
• show ip interface brief
In total, there should be 5 Troubleshooting Faults. Note that ADL_A3 has been intentionally left alone, and there should be no faults relating to any device on that switch.
What constitutes a Troubleshooting Fault?
• A fault that impacts connectivity between one or more devices.
• This could include:
o Trunk links not configured.
o VLAN’s not in an Access/Distribution Switches VLAN Table.
o Switch ports not configured for the correct VLAN.
o IP Addresses incorrectly configured.
o Among other things …
What should not be considered a Troubleshooting Fault?
• Issues that don’t directly impact the connectivity between devices.
• This could include:
o Unused ports not in the Blackhole VLAN.
o Privileged exec password not set.
o Names of VLAN’s not specified.
o Among other things …