代做INFS704 Assignment 2代做Java语言

2024-05-31 代做INFS704 Assignment 2代做Java语言


Assignment 2 (60%)


Out: Week 8                    In: Week 12

LOs: 1 – 4

1. Critically evaluate various design concepts and theories in service systems and service network development

2. Explain and evaluate appropriate service innovation tools for the appropriate stages of the service design and innovation processes.

3. Critically discuss best practices for innovation leadership

4. Explain and evaluate cloud service paradigms and their implementation.


1. Prepare a written Report of 10 - 12 pages.

2. Add an Individual AUT cover page.

3. Reflect on the first two assessments for learning.

4. Upload your final assessment portfolio to Turnitin before 4pm Thursday Week 12.

Part 1: Reflecting on Group Work

Reflect on your Group learning experiences. Step up and design your ideal Service innovation and design Team (Use the Extended ArchiMate framework to communicate your ideas). You must show the phases, the role selections, the work systems, and the information system.

What are the best practices for innovative leadership?

Use three pages to communicate your innovative design work, plus one to answer the question.

[20 Marks]

Part 2: Cloud Services

Design a cloud-based game to promote the sale of physical retail items. Communicate your service innovation using the Extended ArchiMate design framework. Show each of the five phases of the Design Thinking framework (including the market test) and the Extended ArchiMate framework features.

What advantages do Cloud services give for rapid design and innovation?

Use three pages to communicate your innovative design work, plus one to answer the question.

[20 Marks]

Part 3: Innovation & Design Evaluation

What have you learned doing INFS704? (Say where you started, the learning experiences, where you are now) (two pages)

Are you motivated to use these tools to innovate and design solutions in the future? (Think about where you are going in the future for employment and where you might like to.) (two pages)

[20 Marks]