代写Civil 765 Infrastructure Asset Management SEMESTER ONE 2023调试R语言

2024-05-31 代写Civil 765 Infrastructure Asset Management SEMESTER ONE 2023调试R语言


Infrastructure Asset Management

Civil 765


1.      Data and Digital Tools

a)  There is an old cliché stating “garbage-in-garbage-out” that rings true for the use of infrastructure data during the asset management approach. You are a new asset manager in a New Zealand Council who has been task to improve the overall data quality for sealed roads.

i.      Name FOUR data types for roads that we are using for the panning of road

maintenance and renewals and state how we will go about validating the data for EACH type of data.

ii.      Develop an ongoing data quality monitoring and improvement process for the FOUR data types mentioned above.

(12 Marks)

b)  Machine Learning Techniques (Artificial Intelligence) are becoming more prominent in their application for Asset Management applications.

i.      Briefly explain FOUR different application of machine learning in the asset management area. In your answer you have to give two examples for two different asset groups.

ii.      What are the TWO main advantages of machine learning techniques for data interpretation?

iii.      Name and briefly explain TWO main disadvantages of using machine learning techniques and how you can overcome EACH disadvantage.

(8 Marks)

2.      Sustainable Asset Investment Planning

i.        Asset Management can be used to assist some of the most pressing challenges faced by countries around the world. State your country of origin, then briefly discuss the top three asset management investment drivers for your country.

ii.        For the challenges mentioned above, develop some infrastructure management strategies that will assist your country in addressing some of the challenges mentioned. In your strategy, you also have to think of different ways for financing some of the infrastructure solutions.

(10 Marks)

a)    It is recognised that tail-pipe carbon emissions account for over 90% of the emissions

from the Transport sector. The remaining portion consists of embodied carbon during the initial construction and operations, renewal and maintenance activities during the lifecycle of roading assets.  Name and briefly discuss some activities to reduce carbon emissions on road construction during:

i.Initial construction of roads also takes account of lifecycle impacts;

ii.During the lifecycle of the road for maintenance and renewal planning and delivery.

(10 Marks)

3.      Risk and Performance Management

You are appointed as the consultant for Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health asset management division. Your first assignment is to develop a performance management framework for the overall performance of health facilities (hospitals).

i.      Discuss the objectives for the monitoring framework and measures that could be used to monitor the performance against the health objectives.

ii.      Populate a table indicated below with FIVE Level of Service areas, the customer measure, the technical measure and specific targets for both.

Level of Service

Customer Measure


Technical Measure



























(12 Marks)

Risk Management is a process of identifying the likelihood and consequences or impacts of risk events. Then it is used to determine the most appropriate management approaches to address those risks.

i.      Name and briefly explain THRE risk categories with applications in the water

sector. For each risk category, use some examples of specific risk items that have to be considered.

ii.      Discuss some criteria and techniques to decide on the appropriate level of risk

tolerances within a water agency (i.e. how much risk the organisation is willing to carry).

(8 Marks)