代做COMP1028: Programming and Algorithms代写C/C++语言

2024-05-31 代做COMP1028: Programming and Algorithms代写C/C++语言

COMP1028: Programming and Algorithms

CW: Individual Assessment (25%)

This is an individual coursework.



Library management system is a system that manages and stores books information electronically according to students’ needs. The  system helps both students and library manager to keep a constant track of all the books available in the library. It allows both the admin and the student to search for the desired book. It allows the users to retrieve the details of books available in the library. It keeps track of the books that has been borrowed and returned and calculates the late fine of students who returns the books after the due date.


.   To build a system to manage all library operations efficiently.


.   The library has a file system that stores the information of books and students and other files that you think that are relevant.

.   There are at least 10 books and 10 students are registered in the file system already.

.   Information of books include:  ISBN, title, number of copies available, total copies

(available and borrowed), and others that you think that are relevant

.   Information of students include: ID, name, and others that you think that are relevant


1.   searching books

.   query for the availability of certain book by using ISBN as the keyword (you may also add other search keywords into your program if you want)

.   display title, author, ISBN, year of publication, and number of copies available, total copies

.   People involved: librarians and students

2.    borrow and return

.   keep track of the information of the books and the students who borrow and return the books along with the date of borrow and date of return

.   People involved: librarians

3.   display list of books

.   display list of all title of books in the library, arranged according to ascending alphabetical order

.   People involved: librarians and students

4.   Calculate the penalty for late return

.   calculate the penalty for late return (RM1.00/day will be charged for late return)

.   display the total penalty to be paid along with other information that you think that are relevant, like student names, etc.

. People involved: librarians and students

5.   Generate monthly report

.   display number of books borrowed, number of books returned,  number of books to be returned, total fines collected in a particular month, for example November 2023

.   may present them in tabular format or any other format that you think is relevant

.   People involved: librarians


The program must be written in modular way with one main function  and various functions to implement the operations stated above. User can log in as librarian or student and they will be granted the rights to use certain functions that is available to them. You may use arrays, pointers, various string operations and struct whenever appliable.


The program will be evaluated based on:

1.   correctness of output (50%) [program]

2.   user friendliness of the operations (10%) [program]

3.   comment on the coding (10%) [program]

4.   extra effort, include showing creativity in implementing the function, user interface

or any other idea that improve the effectiveness of the program (10%) [program]

5.   User manual (10%) [documentation]

6.   Test Case Result (10%) [documentation]