CCIT4085 Information Technology Fundamentals
2023-24 Semester 2
Checklist (Mini-Project + Individual Self-Learning Report)
PowerPoint: Background
• Briefly describe the background information of the topic o
• State the objective(s) o
PowerPoint: Data Source
• Include the URL/page numbers of books/journals of the data source o
• Briefly describe the data source (e.g. number of records, number of attributes) o
PowerPoint + Excel: Data Analysis and Findings
• Briefly describe the data pre-processing process, the data transformation process, the data mining process (if any) o
• Briefly describe the included tables, graphs and/or charts o
• Include the Excel functions/formula which used in the analysis process o
• Briefly describe patterns/trends found in the data o
• Include and explain future prediction (if any) o
PowerPoint + GIMP: Image Editing
• Show the Before and After versions of each of the three images o
• Briefly describe the GIMP features/functions used for editing each of the three images o
Individual Self-Learning Report
• Learn ONE function/skill in Excel or GIMP o
• Briefly describe how you have used the self-learnt function/skill in the Mini-Project o
• Briefly describe what you have learnt and experienced in the Mini-Project o
• Briefly describe the difficulties/challenges encountered during the various phases of the Mini-Project, and how they were resolved o
Important Reminder
• Prepare the PowerPoint file for presentation o
• Submit the Excel file o
• Submit the image files (Before and After versions) (XCF and JPG/PNG) o
• Submit the Individual Self-Learning Report (PDF) (normal submission and Turnitin)
• You are encouraged to upload files to the draft folder
• Zero mark will be given to late submission