ELEC9762 – Space Mission Development
The SpaceWorks Mission
This assignment contributes 30% to the total assessment of the course. The assignment report is due by 11pm , 2024 and is to be submitted electronically on Moodle.
Problem Statement: A startup, SpaceWorks, intends to develop and launch a proof of concept for in-situ spacecraft refuelling, that is, in space. The ultimate goal is to develop the technology that will captre a spacecraft, refuel it, and release it. As a first stage, the company aims to put a small satellite in orbit to demonstrate the ability to image a spacecraft and manoeuvre into an orbit that would eventually enable it to capture attach to the spacecraft and refuel it. The company plans to launch a demonstrator mission by 1 July 2028.
The mission includes two satellites, a 12U cubesat that will serve as the refueling station and a 2U cubesat that will be the target spacecraft. The mission is considered successful if the 12U cubesat is able to move close enough to the other satellite to take a picture of it (image detail here is not necessary). SpaceWorks is in negotiations with SpacePitStop (another fictitious company) to secure a launch to an altitude that provides for a mission lifetime not less than 12 months and not more than 5 years (it is important that the satellites re-enter the atmosphere to avoid adding to the space debris). SpaceWorks has also identified a number of Australian Space Agency programs, as well as small business government programs as a source of funding for the mission.
Deliverables: SpaceWorks needs to develop the mission proposal and plan. This assignment will produce a report covering phases 0, A, B and partially C. The deliverables are listed below for each part of the report. To simplify the project, you may assume that only relevant subsystems required to achieve the goals of the mission are considered. That is, you will need to think about what subsystems are necessary to demonstrate the goals.
Report Structure: The report is to:
− Have a cover page bearing your names and ID numbers.
− Be clearly legible.
− saved as a .pdf file.
− Be submitted online via Moodle.
Report Format: The report is to have a length not exceeding 20 pages, with 1.5 line spacing.
Guidance is given for the length of each section. A full study would take tens or even hundreds of pages, so you need to be concise in how you work through the tasks and focused on the questions you are trying to answer so as to fit in the prescribed assignment length. It is to contain at a minimum the following sections:
1. Executive Summary (maximum 0.5 pages, not part of the page count).
2. Introduction: describing the problem, what is required, and what the report contains (maximum 1 page, not part of the page count).
3. Phases 0 and A: Mission Analysis (up to 5 pages):
a. Mission statement and mission goals: In this section you are to provide a concise mission statement and derive the mission goals from it.
b. Mission structure: This comprises the following two major subsections
i. Context: In this section you are to describe the technological, financial, legal and logistical context of the mission. You should also identify who the actors are and the mission structure.
ii. Mission phases: You should detail the mission phases that apply to this
mission and explain their purpose, the tasks they comprise and the reviews they entail.
c. Mission Concept: You should detail your proposed concept, listing its major aspects and the required subsystems.
d. Preliminary plan: you should provide a high-level plan, explaining your logic and briefly mentioning the risks involved.
4. Phases B and C: Mission Definition (up to 15 pages)
a. Phase B: This is the preliminary design phase that culminates in the PDR.
b. Phase C: In this part you should carry out the detailed design phases culminating in the CDR.
Specifically, your report should address the following points:
Phases 0 and A: Mission Analysis (up to 5 pages)
1. Elaborate the background to the mission, including relevant assumptions (you are free to make any reasonable assumptions but these need to be properly justified.)
2. Produce the mission goals/Mission Statement.
3. Identify all the relevant actors.
4. Describe the financial, legal, and logistical hurdles/challenges if any. Remember that both SpaceWorks and SpaceDispatch are Australian companies and that Australian laws apply.
5. Develop the Organization Breakdown Structure.
6. Mission Phases - Specify all mission phases and the expected reviews specific to this mission.
7. Identify mission concepts and assess their feasibility.
8. Produce a system concept.
9. Produce a preliminary, high-level timeline with justification from the project plan.
Phases B and C: Preliminary Definition to Detailed Definition (15 pages +/- 3 pages)
1. Mission Requirements and Specification
a. System level Functional Requirement:
Show derivations of Trade-off Analysis, Functional Flow Block Diagram (FFBD),
Functional Allocation Matrix. Specifically show the requirements after these derivations.
b. Subsystem-level Functional/Performance Requirements: (As explained earlier, you may make reasonable simplifying assumptions on the technical aspects of the mission. You should then ensure that you do not include more than the minimum number of subsystems required for the mission.)
Show derivations of Trade-off Analysis, Functional Flow Block Diagram (FFBD),
Functional Allocation Matrix for the following. Specifically show the requirements after these derivations.
i. OBC
ii. EPS
iii. Subsystem A
iv. Subsystem B
v. Etc …
2. Project Planning: Work Breakdown Structure. WBS will provide the basis to the derivation of the schedule of date/time and deliverables, and Gantt chart.
3. Design
Outline the following items for one spacecraft design based on the requirements derived above.
a. Satellite Bus
Description and justification of the choices of each platform subsystem (EPPs, OBC, etc…) based on performance,
b. Interface Management
Identify interface types, Interface Matrix between each subsystem in the following aspects:
i. Software
ii. Electrical
iii. Mechanical
c. System Configuration
Description and justification of how the external and internal of the satellite is physically assembled and integrated needs to be provided. A drawing visualization here will be beneficial.
4. Design Verification
Verification Matrix, Test Plan, Analysis Plan (List of Simulations).
Marking Scheme: The report will be marked out of 30. The marking scheme will be as follows:
1. Report presentation, English usage, formatting, legibility (20%)
2. Content (80%): This covers the content of the above sections including
a. Understanding of the problem
b. Conciseness and accuracy of mission statement
c. Validity of the assumptions
d. If the context is comprehensively described
e. Correctness of the mission phases
f. Strength and comprehensiveness of the concept
g. Quality of the project plan (Is it comprehensive? Is it justified? Does it involve unreasonable risk?)
3. Note that exceeding the maximum page count would attract a 5% penalty per page up to a maximum penalty of 20%.