CS-665: Software Designs and Patterns

2023-12-01 CS-665: Software Designs and Patterns

CS-665: Software Designs and Patterns

Class Project

This document should not be disseminated outside the purview of its intended purpose.

You Choose (20 points)

GitHub Project Template Link


Application Description

One of the key requirements for this course is the final project, which counts for 20% of the

grade and must be completed individually. This project presents an opportunity for you to

demonstrate your software design skills by solving a problem that interests you and presents a

suitable challenge.

During the course, we have covered a variety of design patterns, including the Strategy, Factory

Method, Abstract Factory, Singleton, Prototype, Command, Observer, State, Template, Facade,

Decorator, Composite, Adapter, Proxy, Iterator, and Mediator patterns. However, there are many

additional design patterns that can be used in Java programming, as listed on the website Java

Design Patterns.

Boston University Metropolitan College

Ed Orsini | edorsini@bu.edu

The final project provides you with the opportunity to showcase your understanding and use of

design patterns in solving a real-world problem.

Your main objective for the class project is to expand your knowledge of design patterns. You

should choose a design pattern that was not covered in our class, study it on your own, develop

a unique use case scenario for it, implement the pattern in your preferred programming

language, and create a presentation that showcases the design pattern and your scenario.

It is highly recommended to utilize a combination of design patterns in your project, as this

mirrors the way design patterns are utilized in real-world software projects.

To get started, you should review the list of design patterns and select one that you find

interesting. Some examples of important patterns that were not covered in depth in our class

include the Bridge, Builder, Callback, Delegation, and Thread Pool patterns.

Please note that your project idea should not be taken from existing books or websites and

should be a unique project based on your own original ideas.

Also note that the implementation of a graphical user interface is not necessary. To demonstrate

the functionality of your implementation, you should implement unit tests.


Implementation Description (2 points)

In your implementation of this application, it is important to consider software design principles.

This section outlines the main software design concepts and their goals.

For example:

● Explain the level of flexibility in your implementation, including how new object types can

be easily added or removed in the future.

● Discuss the simplicity and understandability of your implementation, ensuring that it is

easy for others to read and maintain.

● Describe how you have avoided duplicated code and why it is important.

● If applicable, mention any design patterns you have used and explain why they were


Boston University Metropolitan College

Ed Orsini | edorsini@bu.edu

We recommend that you write this description in a README.md file using MarkDown format

(https://spec.commonmark.org/current/) and add the file to the root folder of your project. This

should be done after completing the other tasks in this assignment.

UML Class Diagram (5 points)

Develop a class model for your application, consisting of 5 to 8 of the most crucial classes, that

encompasses the features of the described use case scenario. Only include essential and

non-trivial methods.

Java Solution (13 points)

Utilize GitHub Classroom to create a private repository for your assignment.

● Commit your code to the private Github repository created for this assignment.

● Follow the project templates given to implement your project.

● Submit a zip file that includes the implementation package, with a README.md file

explaining how to compile and run the implementation. Ensure that the zip file includes

all subdirectories of the project, excluding any binary files. The zip file should not exceed

10MB in size and should only contain source files, not generated binaries.

● Provide clear and thorough documentation within the code. It is best to write the

documentation as the code is being implemented, rather than postponing it for later.

● Adhere to the Google Java Style Guide


● Ensure that the solution can be compiled using the mvn compile command.

● Implement JUnit tests to verify the functionality of the implementation. A minimum of

3-5 JUnit tests required.

The example below is found in the project template as an example in the following file:

Boston University Metropolitan College

Ed Orsini | edorsini@bu.edu

Using GitHub

Use GitHub for all your assignments.

1. Sign up or log in to your GitHub account.

2. Click the "New repository" button, located on your GitHub dashboard.

3. Enter a name for your repository, and provide an optional description.

4. Select whether to initialize the repository with a README file, .gitignore file, or license.

5. Click the "Create repository" button.

Your new repository will be created, and you can start uploading your code and other files. If you

have an existing project, you can use the "Import code" feature to upload your files to the new

repository. You can then use the files that are provided here as the skeleton of your project:



When you have completed your assignment:

1. Ensure that you have the latest version of your code saved on your computer or

downloaded from GitHub.

2. Compile all results from the three tasks into a single document, such as a PDF file for

the UML diagrams.

3. Zip all of your code and the document together into one .zip file. Remember to remove

any binary files, which are usually found in the bin/ or target/ folders, as they can

significantly increase the size of your zip file.

Boston University Metropolitan College

Ed Orsini | edorsini@bu.edu

4. Verify that you have correctly uploaded the zip file. To do this, download the file, unzip it,

and confirm that the contents are correct and that the file is not damaged. Please note

that we will only be able to evaluate the zip file uploaded to the blackboard, and any

incorrect or damaged files cannot be evaluated.

After completing your assignment, you can download a ZIP file of your repository using the

green download button on GitHub. Make sure to upload this ZIP file to Blackboard. It's important

to note that we will be grading both the final ZIP file uploaded to Blackboard and the history of

your GitHub repository. Both versions should match. The purpose of having a ZIP file on

Blackboard is to provide an archived copy of your assignment.


Your solution should be a standalone program that can be compiled and executed following the

instructions provided in the README.md file. It's recommended to utilize the provided project

template and utilize build tools like Maven to integrate your implementation. If your program

satisfies all the required functionality, compiles, and runs successfully, you will receive full

points. Grading will be based on the following evaluation criteria, and points will be deducted for

each task accordingly.

● Your UML diagram will be missing important components such as Interfaces/Classes,

which will result in a 5% reduction for each missing component.

● To compile your solution, we will use the "mvn clean compile" command after

downloading, unzipping, and running the command on your project. Your code must

compile using Java JDK 1.8 or else it will result in a 10% grade deduction for the

implementation task.

● If your code includes functionality bugs, a 10% deduction will be applied for each bug


● Your submission should include a README.md file that clearly explains your conceptual

solution, the steps to compile and execute the code. Failure to include such a file or not

providing all requested information will result in a 10% reduction of points.

● Your program must implement the requested functionalities, and if it does not, a 10%

deduction will be applied for each missing functionality.

● We will use jplag (https://github.com/jplag/jplag) to programmatically check for

plagiarism. Any solutions that are found to be an exact duplicate of someone else's will

not be accepted, and we will contact you regarding the issue.

Boston University Metropolitan College

Ed Orsini | edorsini@bu.edu

Late Work

Late work will not be accepted. We understand that exceptions can be made in extreme

circumstances with proper documentation. For instance, if you provide a doctor/dentist note that

verifies you were unable to meet the deadline due to illness, an extension may be granted.

Academic Misconduct in Programming

In a programming course like ours, it's crucial to understand the line between acceptable

collaboration and academic misconduct. Our policy on collaboration and communication with

classmates is straightforward: you may not share or receive code through any means, including

visually, electronically, verbally, or otherwise. Any other forms of collaboration are permitted.

When it comes to communication with individuals who are not classmates, TAs, or the instructor,

it is strictly prohibited. This includes posting questions or seeking assistance on programming

forums such as StackOverflow.

When using external resources such as the web or Google, a "two-line rule" applies. You may

search for information and access any web pages you need, but you may not incorporate more

than two lines of code from an external source into your assignment in any form. Even if you

alter the code, such as by changing variable names, it remains a violation to use more than two

lines of code obtained from an external source.

It is important to properly cite your sources by adding a comment to your code that includes the

URL(s) consulted during the construction of your solution. This not only helps to ensure

academic integrity but also aids in later recollection of your thought process.

Boston University Metropolitan College

Ed Orsini | edorsini@bu.edu