CSCI 6836 Section V1: Assignment 4
Fairleigh Dickinson University Vancouver
Fall 2023
Assigned: Monday, November 27, 2023
Due: Beginning of class, Monday, December 4, 2023 using Webcampus
This assignment has 100 points. Complete this assignment entirely on your own. Submission must follow
the guidelines stated in What to Submit and Quality Requirements exactly.
This assignment is about graph algorithms. You must implement your own graph data structure. Do not use any off-the-shelf graph libraries.
Problem Definition
Implement a Graph class (undirected) using adjacency list representation. The graph class must include
a fromFile(inputFileName) method for reading an input file and constructing the graph object. After
constructing the graph, your program must perform breadth first search (BFS) and depth first search (DFS)
starting from a node specified by the user, and write the output to an output file. Sample input and output
are provided below. The program should be compiled from the command line as follows:
and run as follows:
java Graph <input file name> <number of nodes> <starting node> <output file name>
If the number of command line arguments is incorrect or if the user types
java Graph --help
java Graph -h
then the program should print
Usage: java Graph <input file name> <number of nodes> <starting node> <output file name>
Suppose a file named myinput.txt specifies an undirected graph by enumerating its edges as follows:
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
1 5
Note that each edge is represented as i j where i < j. Then, running the program as below:
java Graph myinput.txt 5 1 myoutput.txt
must produce the following output in myoutput.txt:
1 2
1 5
2 3
4 5
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
Similar to the input, each edge in the output is represented as i j where i < j.
What to Submit
Please submit your code as a single Java file with the extension changed to .txt, i.e., the file name should
be Graph.txt.
Quality Requirements
The program must conform to the following:
• The program must be written in Java.
• The implementations must be based on the algorithms as discussed in class. In particular, DFS
implementation must be non-recursive.
• Programs must be of high quality, check for error conditions and edge cases, and follow industry
standard coding and commenting guidelines.
• Code based on online resources such as tutorials or blogs or wikis will receive zero credit.
• Code written using generative AI models will receive zero credit.