Assignment 5
• Academic integrity is taken seriously in this course, which has a zero
tolerance policy for cheating. All discovered incidents of cheating will be
reported and result in an E in the course.
• You ARE allowed to:
o discuss high level solutions with other students and
o ask questions in the class slack channel and during office hours
o use code presented in the lectures.
o share Junit test cases
• You are NOT allowed to
o Share your code with anyone else (except your official project partner).
o Receive code from others (except your official project partner), including
students in previous semesters.
• All work submitted should be the work of the submitting student(s), created
this semester for this assignment.
• Submissions by groups must have approximately equal contributions from both
In this assignment, you will finish the code generation you started in Assignment 4.
You will need to do the following:
• Watch the lecture from 11/14
• Correct any mistakes in your Lexer, Parser, or type checking Visitor, or code generation for
Assignment 4.
• Finish code generation for the rest of the language as specified.
Provided Code
• Several classes have been added to the edu.ufl.cise.cop4020fa23.runtime package.
o Some Junit tests.
o Many of these tests have examples of generated source code
To Turn in
• A jar file containing the source code (i.e .java files) of all classes necessary to test your compiler
components in the appropriate directory structure. Do NOT include class files.
• Be aware that your IDE may provide a way to generate jar files that defaults to
including .class files instead of .java files. Double check the contents of your jar
file before submission.
• A zip file containing your git repository WITH history. To obtain this file, go to
the parent of your local git repository and create a zip file. Your zip file should
contain a directory called .git (dot git). Do NOT use the "download zip file" option
on github--it does not include the history. Make sure that the name of your zip file does not
start with . (dot). Canvas does not let us download filenames like