PART II (Second Year, Third and Final Year)
MSCI 242 Spreadsheet Modelling for Management - Resit Exam
Submission Rules
• Deliverable is a completed Excel workbook uploaded to the exam Moodle, addressing all the questions
• All answers must be presented in the correct answer cells on the User sheet
• The User sheet should also include your 8-digit ID number
• All answers to the questions must be formula or function-based i.e. not simple/static values
• The formulas must be dynamic and will be tested to ensure they can respond to changes in the data
• Only correct results will receive the marks. No partial marks will be awarded
• The model should not be password protected and not contain any links to external files
• It is the student’s responsibility to upload the correct file
• The model will be assessed on a University-spec. PC-version of Excel 2019
Data Collection
All datasets are held in a folder on theresit exam Moodle called ‘Exam Datasets ’
This task is based on a modified version of the optional 242 workshop – Data Handling with Unusual Datablocks.
However, this task differs from the original workshop version in four ways.
1. The raw data is different
2. The number of business codes is 8
3. An additional variable has now been included: whether the employee is full-time (FT) or part-time (PT)
4. The number of employees is different
Data Structure and Sheets
• there are 2 sheets in the supplied dataset
• the Data sheet contains the raw data for the 8 business codes
• the User sheet is where you must submit all your answers, in the correct answer cells
Business Code
listed as B1, B2, B3 and so on up to B8
age of employee in years
number of complete years the employee has worked for the business
annual pre-tax salary, including any bonuses, in £
the salary band for the employee; a value 1 to 11
the education level of the employee; a value 1 to 7
total days absent last year, either due to illness and/or training
FT or PT
whether the employee is full-time (FT) or part-time (PT)
Section A Global Analysis
For this section, all answers must be formula-based, not static/pasted values.
You may insert new sheets, add intermediate formulas and calculations but do not move any of the answer cells, or insert any rows or columns to the User sheet
All questions in this section are worth 2 marks each.
Question 1
What is the average age of the employees?
Round your result to 2 decimal places (not simply format the cell to show this value)
Question 2
What is the age of the youngest employee?
Question 3
What is the age of the oldest employee?
Question 4
How many employees are there with the age given for question 2?
Question 5
What is the average salary? Round your result to the nearest integer.
Question 6
What is the highest salary for an employee?
Question 7
What is the lowest salary for an employee?
Question 8
What is the median number of absences?
Question 9
What is the lowest number of absences for an employee?
Question 10
What is the highest number of absences for an employee?
Question 11
How many employees do not have a numerical value listed for their salary?
Question 12
How many employees have zero absences listed?
Question 13
How many employees have an education level of 1?
Question 14
How many employees have an education level of 6 or 7?
Question 15
How many employees are full-time?
Question 16
What is the average age of the full-time employees? Round your result to 2 decimal places.
Question 17
What is the age of the oldest full-time employee?
Question 18
What is the age of the oldest part-time employee?
Question 19
What is the highest number of absences for apart-time employee?
Question 20
How many part-time employees have zero absences?
Section B Analysis by Business Code
The following questions will require you to construct summary table(s) by Business Code.
All questions in this section are worth 2 marks each.
Question 21
Which of the eight business codes (B1, B2, B3,… B8) has the most employees?
Question 22
How many employees does the business code given in question 21 have?
Question 23
What is the highest average salary for a business code? Round your result to the nearest integer.
Question 24
Which business code has the highest average salary?
Question 25
What is the lowest average age for a business code? Round your result to 2 decimal places.
Question 26
Which business code has the lowest average age?
Question 27
What is the highest maximum salary for a business code?
Question 28
Which business code has the highest maximum salary?
Question 29
What is the lowest maximum absences for a business code?
Question 30
Which business code has the lowest maximum absences?
Question 31
What is the highest number of full-time employees for a business code?
Question 32
Which business code has the highest number of full-time employees?
Question 33
What is the lowest number of part-time employees for a business code?
Question 34
How many of the eight business codes have the number of part-time employees given in question 33?
Question 35
What is the highest percentage of full-time employees for a business code? Round your result to 2 decimal places.
Question 36
Which business code has the highest percentage of full-time employees?
Question 37
What is the lowest percentage of part-time employees for a business code? Round your result to 2 decimal places.
Question 38
Which business code has the lowest percentage of part-time employees?
Question 39
Which business code has the most employees earning over £50,000?
Question 40
What is the average salary for full-time employees with an education level of 5 or above, aged between 30 and 60 (inclusive)? Round your result to the nearest integer value.
Section C Advanced Analysis
Questions 41 and 42 are worth 5 marks. Question 43 is worth 10 marks.
Question 41
How many full-time employees1 have a salary valueless than the average salary for their business code?
Question 42
Based only on employees with an education level of 3 or lower, what is the age of the full-time employee with the 2nd highest salary?
Question 43
There are a few missing salaries in the dataset, given as ‘n/a’ values.
If all the missing salaries were to be replaced with an identical salary value, what would the minimum salary value need to be, such that business code B5 would register the highest average salary for all employees and the highest average salary for the full-time employees? Present your minimum salary as an integer value.