代写COM6009M Advanced Web Development帮做Java编程

2024-05-22 代写COM6009M Advanced Web Development帮做Java编程


Module Code


Module Title

Advanced Web Development



Credit Value of Module


Assessment Task

Web Services Development

Word Count


Assessment No






Type of Submission


Method of Submission


Publication Date

26th February 2024

Due Date

23rd May 2024

Expected Feedback Date

13th June 2024

Format of Feedback


Learning Outcomes

1. Apply appropriate concepts, principles and approaches to advanced web development;

2. Critically evaluate web user interfaces using appropriate techniques

3. Apply an effective web design process by designing and developing an interactive, usable, dynamic and professional web application

4. Demonstrate a critical awareness of legal and social issues relating to website design

Assignment Description

Assignment Description:

This assignment requires you to develop a REST web services application.

This can be any service of your choice.

You will need to develop both a client and a server and host it on ysjcs.net.

· The code should contain at least a client, a server and one service.

· The service needs to be provided by a database that is also hosted on ysjcs.net.

· The service server must be written in PHP. The client in html/javascript.

Hand In requirements:

You will need to hand in 3 sets of files to Moodle:

a) Code – hand in all of the code that you have developed that is required for the web service application to run, for example, the html, javascript. and PHP files that contain the code for your application (both the web service client and server files).

b) Application and assessment documentation in an MS Word document or documents.

c) A video of the application working, showing all elements of the application and all of its functionality.

You must also ensure that your web service application is installed on ysjcs.net so that it can be run. This would normally be in the htdocs folder of your home directory on ysjcs.net. You will each be assigned a unique port number for your web service. You must use this to implement your service.

In your hand in documents please include a read me document to explain how I can access the application and the different services that it provides and also how to install and run it, in case I have to reinstall it. Any passwords that are needed must be included in the documentation. Include full installation instructions, such as those for any specialist libraries that need to be installed or any specific environment configurations that are needed to enable your application to run.

You should also reference any code you have used and highlight any important features that you consider I should know about. Referencing within the code is acceptable.

You must also upload to Moodle a short video (between 5 to 10 minutes in duration) showing the application running on ysjcs.net.

You will also need to be available in the week following hand in. This is in case I require you to demonstrate your application running from ysjcs.net either in person or via MS Teams. I will inform. you on the Monday of the following week if you are required to demo your work and I would only require this if I cannot assess your work from the video.

Additional Information

Marking Guidelines:

Web Service Server (35%)

· Complexity of service(s) provided. A simple service would deliver a simple json object or file that is the result of a simple sql query on a database. A complex service may be the result of a complex sql query, that may require querying multiple tables and response to different users parameters from the client. It may require processing at the server before it is delivered to the client.

· Number of services provided. A good web service normally provides multiple services enabling different responses to user queries and/or different types of access to the database. For example, a combination of CRUD operations on the database instead of only reads, use of calculated fields, variables or stored procedures.

· Technology used to enable services. You are strongly advised to libraries or technologies that we have not covered in class will be given credit. As long as they are appropriate and fully functional.

· Innovation of code and architectural model. Correct use of MVC or other design patterns and will be given credit.

Web Service Client (35%)

· The functionality of the client. A simple client will just provide a display of a simple read output from the server. Greater functionality would include full CRUD operations with the ability to specify parameters, such as search terms or filters.

· How many services the client connects to. A client that connects to multiple services such as your own service plus an external API, for example, Google Maps, will be given more credit.

· Complexity of manipulation of service output. Output from the service can be manipulated on the client, for example, combined with that from other services.

· Logic implemented within the client. Extra functionality on the services such as implementing Security via cookies for the service will be given extra credit.

· Options provided to connect to service. Typically, a service would be accessed via a form. on the client. Drop down menus, validation etc to make the access easier or more reliable would be given extra credit.

Implementation (15%)

· The service and all of its elements must work and be clearly shown the video and still work when I mark it. i.e. it has to run on ysjcs.net via your allocated port number and be accessible from the web client you provide

· Robustness – i.e. it doesn’t crash and handles errors effectively. The server responses need to be error free and the client needs to handle these correctly.

· Security measures integrated in the service

Video (10%)

· The video shows the application running

· The video demonstrates the full functionality of the system

· The video shows the code and shows how you have developed the application

· The video demonstrates the usability of System

· The video is of good quality and is understandable

Quality (5%)

· Quality of application – the interface is professional, it doesn’t contain spelling errors, it loads quickly etc..

· Documentation quality i.e. it has a front page, with the module code (COM6009M), the assessment title, it has a student identifier and or name on the front page, it has a section explaining the purpose of the application and what it does.

· Quality of writing –clarity of writing, usability, presentation e.g. spelling, grammar

· Referencing of sources is either in the code, in the documentation or both.