Subject Code and Title
CAI104 Concepts inAI
Assessment 2: Workbook
Learning Outcomes
This assessment addresses the Subject Learning Outcomes outlined at the bottom of this document.
Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 8.
Total Marks
100 marks
Task Summary
In this assessment, you will be given a workbook that includes a set of questions to complete. You have to answer and show your working for the questions in the workbook. This assessment should be done individually. Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task. The rubric at this end of this document will be used to mark your answers. The assessment is intended to test:
• Your understanding of the histories and theories covered in Modules 1 to 8 (inclusive).
• Your ability to use uninformed and informed search methods to solve simplified real-world problems.
• Your ability to use knowledge representation and reasoning methods to solve simplified real-world problems.
With this assessment, you demonstrate your ability to tackle and solve several cases studies using AI search methods, knowledge representation techniques, AI theories, logics, and reasoning approaches that you have learned throughout Modules 1-8.
Task Instructions
To complete this assessment task you must:
• Download the Assessment 2 Workbook (question sheet) from the Assessment 2 Resource Folder in Blackboard.
• Make sure to read the questions carefully and understand them before you start.
• Answer ALL questions.
• Show your working and the steps taken for each answer. Provide examples for your
discussions and answers to demonstrate your thorough understanding. Partial mark will be awarded for correct working even if the final answer is incorrect.
Submission Instructions
This assessment should be submitted online:
• Name and save your file as “CAI104_Assessment2_LastName_FirstName.pdf”
• Submit your file via the Assessment 2 Submission link found under the Assessment tab in the main navigation menu.
• You can see your learning facilitator’s feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal (My Grades).