Assignment Remit
Programme Title
MSc Marketing
Module Title
Research and Analysis in Marketing
Module Code
07 97284
Assignment Title
Qualitative Data Analysis Supplementary Assessment
Hand Out Date
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Assignment Format*
Assignment Length
1,000 words
Submission Format
Qualitative Data Analysis Report
The 25% of the module will be determined through a qualitative data analysis assignment.
The word limit is 1,000 (no leeway).
The submission deadline is 12.00 noon on TBC.
Assignment Brief: Thematic analysis (1000 words)
The dataset file can be accessed on canvas. As a coding and analysis exercise, review the two transcripts several times to become acquainted with the contents. Make jottings about passages that strike you and pre-code your initial work. Determine the most appropriate coding method(s) for the transcript. to help examine the general research questions:
· What are the experiences of people with digestive disorders?
· How do people with digestive disorders cope with them?
You should use thematic analysis to identify the key themes and subthemes. You should then clearly present your results and use sample quotations to support your coding and analysis.
Note that this is a qualitative assignment, and you should avoid providing a quantitative analysis of the data (e.g. frequency analysis). The bulk of the report should be on the findings and discussion. You may briefly draw on the relevant literature in the discussion, but you should avoid writing a methodology or literature review section given the limited word count.
Assessment Rationale:
The Qualitative Data Analysis Assignment is designed to:
· Encourage you to start thinking about the dissertation process.
· Examine your understanding of the qualitative data analysis techniques taught in the module.
· Examine your skills in applying the relevant qualitative data analysis techniques.
· Communicate and present research findings effectively in writing.
Marking Criteria
The qualities the individual assignment will be marked on are outlined in the table below.
70% +
Excellent grasp of qualitative data analysis techniques. Demonstration of mastery of thematic data analysis, identifying the key themes and sub themes, and succinctly presenting the key results with supporting quotes from dataset. Fully completes the tasks set in the assignment guidelines, with clear presentation of results and convincing arguments throughout the assignment. There is an exceptional standard of writing and communication, a clear, logical structure, no irrelevant material.
Very good grasp of qualitative data analysis techniques. Demonstration of very good understanding of thematic data analysis. Completes the main tasks set in the assignment guidelines. At times, however, there are a couple of errors in identifying the sub themes, the presentation of results is not entirely clear and suffers from inadequate or inconsistent explanation. Very good standard of writing and structure.
Good grasp of qualitative data analysis techniques. Demonstration of familiarity with thematic data analysis. Completes the main tasks set in assignment guidelines, though there is a tendency to not identify all of the themes/subthemes and/or interpretation of results, the line of argument is not entirely clear and suffers from inadequate or inconsistent explanation. Good standard of writing and structure.
Provides some evidence of grasping qualitative data analysis techniques. Insufficient familiarity with thematic data analysis.
Not all tasks set are completed and those that are tackled are addressed inadequately. Confused line of argument and no clear logic. Weak presentation and structure.
Little evidence of grasping qualitative data analysis techniques.
Lack of familiarity with thematic data analysis. Insufficient or misinterpreted views about identifying the themes/or interpretation of results. Disorganised. The work presented is irrelevant to the assignment guidelines. Major and many errors in presentation and structure.