AWL200 Leadership and Transformation
Trimester 2, 2024
Change is inevitable in our personal and professional lives. While it provides opportunities to grow and innovate, facilitating positive and sustainable transformation can be challenging. Through theoretical investigation, case study analysis and
professional development activities, you will investigate the nature of change and discover what it takes to lead with purpose and resilience in response to technological disruption, shifting stakeholder needs and expectations, and challenging
conditions and environments. The unit will help you understand what constitutes effective individual and team behaviours
and performance, and how to cultivate and contribute to them. You will also explore your own leadership capabilities, and be empowered throughout the unit to develop the skills, knowledge and experience to become a leader in your chosen field and personal and professional endeavours.
This Unit Guide provides you with the key information about this unit. Please read it carefully and refer to it frequently
throughout the study period. Your unit site also provides information about your rights and responsibilities. We will assume you have read this before the unit commences, and we expect you to refer to it throughout the study period.
To be successful in this unit, you must:
. read all materials in preparation for your learning activities and follow up each with further study and research on the topic
start your assessment tasks well ahead of the due date
read or listen to all feedback carefully and use it in your future work
attend and engage in all educator facilitated (scheduled) learning activities and other learning experiences as part of the unit desig
Unit development in response to student feedback
Every trimester, we ask students to tell us, through eVALUate, what helped and hindered their learning in each unit. You are strongly encouraged to provide constructive feedback for this unit when eVALUate opens (you will be emailed a link).
As this unit is running for the first time this year, there is not yet any feedback compiled from students who have previoulsy undertaken it.
We look forward to student's input via the eVALUate survey at the end of trimester regarding what could be enhanced, removed or otherwise improved in future iterations of AWL200 Leadership and Transformation.
If you have any concerns about the unit during the trimester, please contact the unit teaching team - preferably early in the trimester - so we can discuss your concerns, and make adjustments, if appropriate.
Your Unit Learning Outcomes
Each unit in your course is a building block towards Deakin's Graduate Learning Outcomes - not all units develop and assess every Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO).
These are the Learning Outcomes
(ULO) for this unit. At the completion of this unit, successful students can:
href="" Deakin Graduate Learning href="" Outcomes
Investigate leadership competencies relevant to their disciplinary area and examine the role of leadership in
inspiring, motivating and influencing change.
GLO1: Discipline-specific
knowledge and capabilities
GLO4: Critical thinking
Identify and articulate how individual differences can shape leadership
styles, situations and practices.
GLO1: Discipline-specific
knowledge and capabilities
GLO2: Communication
GLO4: Critical thinking
Critically analyse and evaluate the
capabilities of self and others to
individually or collectively respond to change and transformation.
GLO1: Discipline-specific
knowledge and capabilities
GLO4: Critical thinking
GLO5: Problem solving
Demonstrate a capacity to exhibit and model responsible, ethical, inclusive
and accountable leadership and team behaviours.
GLO1: Discipline-specific
knowledge and capabilities
GLO6: Self-management
GLO7: Teamwork
Assessing your achievement of the unit learning outcomes
Hurdle requirements
Brief summary of hurdle requirement
Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes
Participation in leadership simulation exercise 一 ungraded
A key focus of this unit is on enhancing
students’employability skills in leadership. Students will work in multi-disciplinary
teams to undertake a simulated leadership exercise and it is vital that each member
contributes to the activity in order to be
able to complete the final assessment task.
It is a necessary activity to enable
(discovery-driven’learning and an
opportunity for students to test and
enhance their leadership abilities in a
controlled environment, as well as their skills in critical reflection. Therefore, the simulated leadership exercise itself is a hurdle requirement, representing the
vehicle by which students can complete the graded assessment and demonstrate core ULOs and GLOs.
GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO2: Communication
GLO4: Critical thinking
GLO5: Problem solving
GLO6: Self-management
GLO7: Teamwork
Summative assessment (tasks that will be graded or marked)
NOTE: It is your responsibility to keep a backup copy of every assignment and the materials used to develop/complete it where possible (e.g. written/digital reports, essays, videos, images). In the unusual event that one of your
submissions becomes corrupted, is incorrectly submitted or otherwise lost, you may be asked to submit the backup copy.
Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting breaches of academic
integrity such as collusion, plagiarism and contract cheating. You must understand your responsibility to act with honesty and integrity in your studies as Deakin takes all breaches very seriously. Make sure you read Your rights and responsibilities as a student in this unit to find out more about academic integrity.
Deakin has a universal assessment submission time of 8 pm AEDT/AEST. A late penalty will apply to assessments submitted after 11.59 pm AEDT/AEST.
- Summative assessment task 1
Online Exercises
Brief description of assessment task
Post at least five 200-word reflections on topics relevant to the unit, including
leadership theories, styles and practices and the nature of change. Your contributions to discussion board threads should be a combination of those that initiate a
conversation and also respond to others’ posts. In some cases, you will be provided
with stimulus learning materials to which you will need to post a guided response.
Detailed instructions and advice on how to complete and submit this assessment task will be provided on the unit site early in the trimester.
Student output
5 x 200-word discussion board posts
1000 words
Grading and weighting (% total mark for unit)
This task assesses your
achievement of these Unit Learning Outcome(s)
This task assesses your
achievement of these Graduate Learning Outcome(s)
How and when you will receive feedback on your work
You will receive detailed feedback for each assessment task. Feedback will generally be provided within three weeks of submission (late submission may affect this). You will
also receive interactive feedback via the unit’s online discussion board and/or during seminars. You can additionally ask questions by email, or make an appointment with the unit chair for a discussion of unit content and/or your progress in the unit.
When and how to submit your work
Due on Thursday 19th September by 8:00pm AEDT/AEST
To be submitted online via the dropbox in the Unit site